
This site is not indexed and cannot be found in search engines, so you are not here by accident. Therefore, we thank you for responding to our proposal and visiting us here. On the following pages, we will provide you with a short description of the principles of cooperation and communication with us. After reading its content, you can decide whether you will take further steps in contacting us. Please remember that the list below is not exhaustive and may be supplemented in the future.

Principles of Cooperation:


We work in accordance with our beliefs.

What we work on and who we work with is truly important to us. Don’t expect us to engage in something just because you offer good money. We don’t judge; simply, some things may not interest us.

We collaborate with conscious individuals.

We are free people and give others the right to self-determination. Everything we do is based on the freedom of choice. We don’t enjoy long negotiations - we value our time and yours. We don’t use social engineering, psychological manipulation, time pressure, or other “marketing tricks” on our clients or at their request.

We establish the rules of cooperation before starting.

For everyone’s comfort, we set clear rules of the game. We don’t change the rules during the game. If you change the rules - we end the game with all consequences for you.

We work according to the art.

We are professionals and demand the same from our partners. We plan our business ventures and are consistent in maintaining subsequent steps. We have experience and use it consciously. If you like chaotic actions, make decisions on impulses, think that “creative chaos” in the office helps you work, or mix alcohol and/or other psychoactive substances with business - don’t read any further.

We work for real remuneration.

We charge a fee for our work in the agreed form. We don’t work for shares in companies, stocks, dividends, participations in future profits, or other promises of income. We don’t accept trial periods, discretionary bonuses, advances, and deferred payment terms. We don’t do anything “for free”; we don’t mix “charity” with business, at least not in this context.

We collect fees upfront.

Most of the work must be done before starting physical actions. When we start, we need to be sure that you are determined to continue your venture. Therefore, we only start after we have physically received payment. 

  • For short-term assignments, we expect you to pay us upfront for all our work.
  • For long-term assignments, we divide the work into several stages, and we collect payment for each stage upfront.
  • For certain orders, we also expect a success bonus to be settled after achieving the goal.
  • For certain types of assignments, we allow the possibility of monthly settlements, also on the above terms.
  • We are proponents of including the operational costs of our activities in the total remuneration sum. It saves time, money, and dispels any doubts about their validity.
  • We charge a fee for consultations for each started clock hour. We expect you to be prepared for them and specify your needs in advance.
  • If you invite us to a meeting at your place, or commission certain activities that involve travel to another city/country or other expenses, you independently cover all related costs. The time we spend on business travel is paid as our normal work time.
  • If for some reason you temporarily suspend the project we are working on, and thus we are unable to close it within the previously agreed time frames, we will charge a monthly fee for readiness to continue the project.

We accept monetary and non-cash settlements.

Below are the approved ways to pay for our services. Please note that we set the terms and conditions separately in each case and the list below is for information purposes only.

We accept the following currencies:


We accept the following forms of monetary settlements:

  • cash
  • bank transfer (on OUR terms)
  • PayPal (+5% of the service value, available only in certain cases)
  • card payment (+2% of the service value, available only in certain cases)

We do not accept the following forms of monetary settlements:

  • check
  • promissory note
  • bank invoice collection

We allow non-monetary forms of settlements:

  • physical investment metals in various forms: gold, silver, platinum, palladium;
  • cryptocurrencies (+2% of the service value): Monero (XMR), Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH);
  • barter (upon acceptance by both parties): service - goods, service - service.

We agree to cross different forms of settlements. We do not accept payments from and through entities listed on the OFAC sanctions list.

We care about safety, confidentiality, and anonymity.

According to us, this is a key aspect of every activity, which is why we pay special attention to maintaining high standards in this topic. We expect you to take these matters seriously and implement appropriate procedures, and signed confidentiality agreements will not be merely customary pro forma.

Working in a Team.

Large projects may require the involvement of your entire team in the process. Take this into account when planning routine work in your company. Sometimes we will have to distract your employees from their daily duties. Changes do not only occur on paper; they happen primarily in people’s minds and hearts. And that requires time, work, and commitment.

Beyond the Mainstream.

Our experiences and acquired knowledge have led us beyond the mainstream way of doing business. We discovered that this increases our potential and helps in solving problems. It inspires us and allows us to constantly develop. We like to create with passion and commitment. That’s who we are. Therefore, know that sometimes we may work outside generally accepted conventions. If you have a conservatively shaped personality, consider whether you can accept this.

Focus on the Goal.

During the performance of entrusted tasks, as well as during all other contacts with you and your team, we discuss only issues related to our cooperation. We respect the personal space of every person, so we do not discuss topics related to religion, politics, and sexuality. We expect the same from you and your employees.

Respecting Our Rules.

The above boundary conditions are the same for everyone, fixed and unchangeable. If you accept this, please familiarize yourself with the next issues concerning communication rules. If you end your reading here - we thank you for your time and wish you good luck. Move on.




Over the past few decades, technological advancements have provided us with many tools that make our lives easier. Computers, the internet, mobile phones, and tablets have become part of our reality. Along with the development of these technologies, many instruments have emerged that allow for the control of our activities, analysis of our behavior, and direct access to many of our confidential data, including those related to our business activities, strategic plans, or know-how. In these conditions, industrial espionage has taken on a completely new dimension.

The huge problem is the shockingly low level of skill in operating these devices by their users. Most people cannot properly configure a phone or use a computer. Yes, we are also talking about those who are proud, “advanced” users of top devices and play with their “toys” every day. They obviously only use some of their functions, having no idea about their capabilities or the threats they generate.

You may think it’s fiction, but just check what permissions the programs installed on your smartphone have to realize the scale of this problem. Know that by installing many popular applications or activating those natively embedded in the operating system, you consent (probably unwittingly) to their full access to many pieces of information that no one would probably want to publicize consciously.

These applications, and consequently their creators, often an entire staff of people (not to mention various services), can read your SMS/MMS, email. They know what, to whom, and when you wrote through an internet messenger, they know your calendar, your payment card numbers, passwords for electronic banking. They can browse, edit, and independently add new contacts, you give them access to photos and videos and other files you store on your devices. You allow them to use the camera without your knowledge. The standard is recording sound from the immediate surroundings through the microphone, and not only when you call someone. Applications continuously collect data about your location, using data from GSM base stations, Wi-Fi networks, and GPS/GLONASS.

If you add to this the ability to make phone calls independently and analyze data about your body through sensor-equipped accessories that you may use and realize that by correlating data from other users’ devices, one can very precisely determine who, where, and when you meet, what you do and what you talk about, you will probably start to wonder if it would be worth doing something to protect the most confidential data concerning your company.

Still have doubts whether these data are really collected? And what do you think, where does the map navigator in your “cell” know exactly where the traffic jams are and how long you will stand in them? Now you know - among others, from you!

Business communication rules.

Below you will find a brief description of the communication methods accepted by us. This small primer will allow you to take the first steps towards increasing the level of security, confidentiality, and anonymity of transmitted documents and information. You can also use it in contacts with other entrepreneurs and in private life. Remember that we only describe here some issues that are important from our point of view. This article does not exhaust the subject.

  • We limit the use of phones.

We use phones exclusively for short conversations that do not contain significant information. This applies to both mobile and landline phones as well as VoIP.

  • We use Signal Private Messenger for communication.

You can install the application for free on smartphones with Android and iOS systems. It allows for voice and video calls, sending text messages and files in the end-to-end encryption standard with a key inaccessible even to the creators of this software. Currently, it is the best and most time-tested open-source software that provides such a high standard of security and confidentiality. We do not use other messengers.

  • We encrypt email messages.

We reject the possibility of sending and receiving unencrypted messages, regardless of the servers from which the mail is sent (the same applies to shared files). To facilitate, we recommend our clients create a mailbox on the protonmail.com server and use it to correspond with us. Protonmail, even in the free version, offers an absolutely uncompromising and secure system of automatic encryption of messages sent between its users. It is the safest service of this type in the world, additionally offering all its users VPN. The entire platform is, of course, built on Open Source software. You can use Protonmail on any computer and devices with Android and iOS systems.

  • We care about comfort during meetings.

When participating in meetings, we want the place where they take place to provide an appropriate level of privacy. We do not agree to conduct business conversations in public places, such as pubs, restaurants, hotel lobbies, sports clubs, saunas, etc. During important meetings, we put phones aside. Meetings cannot be attended by outsiders. We do not talk over alcohol, as well as with people under its influence. The same applies to other psychoactive substances.

  • We anonymize some activities.

In certain special situations, we may decide that part of the communication, as well as internet activities related to the implementation of a given project, will take place exclusively using the Tor network.

  • We record important arrangements.

We keep written records of all business arrangements to ensure transparency throughout the cooperation process. It is available to all interested parties during the execution of the order. After its completion, depending on the type of order, it remains as a document confirming the fulfillment of obligations or is commissionally destroyed. We prefer the latter variant.

  • We keep secrets.

This is a key element of our strategy. What we work on remains between us and our contractors. We expect our business partners to reciprocate. If it is not necessary to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, we do not want our contractors to disclose strategically important information to us. Neither to us nor to anyone else!

  • We do not agree to publicize our work.

We do not agree to publish information about our cooperation in the media and on social networking sites. We forbid posting any information about the members of our team without written consent. This applies to both our personal data, photographs, and other information concerning our organization. We do not seek publicity. We are not interested in popularity. We do not need to experience recognition and do not boast about what we do. We know our role and know that after completing the order, we will leave without fanfare and fireworks. And that’s what we really like




We want to share with you a few things that are important from our point of view. These are a handful of simple rules that we apply. We also know many people who appreciate their importance and who have helped them in various difficult situations they have found themselves in. Applying them in life will allow you to maintain a higher level of security and take care of your personal space.

In nature, nothing disappears, neither does it on the network.

Realize that everything you do over the internet and over the phone is recorded. Everything you write, send, publish remains forever on the network and cannot be deleted. Unauthorized persons can access this data and use it against you and your company.

Encrypt memory.

First of all, set a screen lock. If you use a PIN code, it cannot be related to your birthday or your loved ones. Also, avoid styles like “9999”, etc. Then encrypt the device’s memory using, for example, built-in system applications. If you also use memory cards or other media, also encrypt them. This will help you protect critical data in case of loss or theft of equipment.

Update the system and applications.

Regularly install available updates. In addition to the new features of a given program, such updates contain fixes, including those affecting the level of security.

Revoke permissions from tracking applications.

Take care of the proper configuration of your equipment. Analyze the permissions held by individual applications and revoke all permissions that do not impair their functionality. It’s better to turn them on temporarily when needed than to let them work in the background with full rights.

Move the boundary from convenience towards security.

Uninstall or if impossible, turn off unused programs. Leave only those that are essential tools in your work. Consider whether you really need to use such applications on your phone/tablet as Facebook, Twitter, Zoom, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Google Maps, Youtube, Yahoo! and similar. There are quite interesting “replacements”.

Use open-source software.

Open software is most often created by a community constantly working on improving its quality. This guarantees that there are no deliberately created so-called backdoors, i.e., loopholes in the system’s security, which can later be used for tracking or attacks. Such software is usually free, but you can always support its creators with a voluntary donation.

Protect your data.

Be sure to install antivirus software and constantly update the virus database. Use a firewall to gain control and limit incoming and outgoing network connections. It will help protect sensitive data from bots and crackers. Use only encrypted HTTPS connections.

Hide your IP address.

The IP address can physically locate the place from which you connect to the internet. Hiding it will increase your level of privacy. You can use a VPN service for this purpose, or if you want to anonymize yourself more on the network, consider using Tor Browser.

Choose an operating system for your devices

This is a decision that everyone should make independently after a thorough analysis of “for” and “against”. This issue goes far beyond the format of this website, but we can share one (not only ours) thought on this matter: people who want to take care of their cyber security and privacy are not recommended to use Microsoft operating systems or their software (applies to all types of devices).

Keep developing.

Modern technologies are progressing at a dizzying pace. If you do not constantly educate yourself in these topics, in a very short time you will become “used” from a “user”. And this will not help you in business in any way.



Create your environment.

Choose consciously the people with whom you work. This applies to both your subordinates and business partners. People are the most valuable resource of your business. And they can also be its weakest link. Avoid cooperation with people addicted to alcohol, psychoactive substances, gambling, and sex. With all due respect, but it’s not worth it. Believe us, we know what we’re talking about.

Filter outgoing information.

Minimize the amount of strategic information that you pass on through various channels to friends or family. Talk only with the most trusted people, and only when you are sure that they do not have a tendency to gossip and are able to control what they say in every situation. Avoid publishing on social networking sites, blogs any content that can directly or indirectly reveal your business plans or expose problems you are struggling with at work. This also applies to your private space. Private, read → concerning all members of your family and close friends.

The most important thing at the end - find lasting value.

Find in your life what will allow you to maintain inner peace, control emotions and mind. Something that will become a value highly appreciated by you. Something that will help you survive difficult moments both at work and in personal life. Something that will make it easier for you to get rid of selfish behaviors and unhealthy tendencies. Something that will make you a Conscious Person and give you space to realize yourself in any conditions. We think this is absolutely the biggest challenge we have faced in life. And it is also our greatest motivation, which gives us the strength to act. We share this with you.